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When we become aware of a need we long to be fulfilled, can we still speak of ‘in absence of…(love / touch / acknowledgement / connection / companionship / affection / etc….’? Hasn’t life just presented this life quality to us – through which it’s so-called absence has now subsided?
I’ve been playing with the experience of the moment in which a longing has been arising. I stay present to the wave of emotions rushing through my body and embrace every single second of it – until the emotions subside and my body feels calm. Then, not always but often, a sense of gratitude comes over me. The energy of life, the specific quality just touched my whole being, bringing into my awareness how nourishing this particular life energy is to me.
I’ve noticed how easy it is to push the emotions away or find solace in taking an action that gives a short lived surrogate experience that seems to, but doesn’t, nourish me. Count the little and large addictions here. The distractions. I find this really interesting because as long as I kind of fulfill my longing, even short lived, I avoid taking responsibility for what I really want. I avoid doing things I haven’t done before. I avoid saying to others what I really want them to hear. I avoid advocating for my own needs in a way that nourishes my well-being in alignment with my values. I avoid creating and building the life I want to life and with whom I like to spend time living it.
What is that holding back all about?
Why do we rather choose addictive behavior and strategies that are out of alignment with our values?
Are we so afraid of feeling what we might feel when choosing what would really nourish us?
Are we afraid to loose what we had?
Do we feel guilty when what we want means we stop enabling or providing to others what they got used on receiving from us?
Are we ashamed to name out loud who and what really matters to us?
Are we ashamed to acknowledge who we are as an individual?
Are we afraid that when we stand for who we are, we will stand alone?
Are we afraid of the shame we might experience when we admit the life we created doesn’t nourish us as well as we hoped for?
Do we rather accept the status quo?
Do we rather not use our creative energy to create the life we wish to live?
Are we afraid of our own creative energy more than the energy of others?
Are we?
Are you?
I am afraid sometimes.
I have created lots in my life that really didn’t serve me.
In some experiences I feared for my life.
Sure I wouldn’t want to life any of these again.

But by containing creative energy, by not utilizing it, we also cut ourselves of from creating a whole other, new, experience.


When we adapt a river from flowing in it’s natural pace, by building a dam in a river, we can contain water for a while, but at some point this container can not hold the pressure any more. Water will uncontrollably splash in all sorts of directions, possibly creating lots of havoc in the surrounding.
I believe our creative energy is not supposed to be contained either. I believe it’s meant to flow in it’s own pace, in directions where it creates and nourishes environments we enjoy spending time in, together with those who’s creative energy flows to that same place for a while or a life time.
I believe we must trust our intuition and be willing to listen to our body. It has lots to tell about the what life wants us to create. Right now.
What is your intuition telling you?
As you listening?
Do you take note of what you hear?
What wants to be created in your life?
Put your ideas down to paper and create it, map it out, brainstorm about it, …

Do you want help doing that?


I believe that with empathy, clarity and transparency in our communication, we experience and reach more understanding, connection, inclusion, participation, leadership, creativity and trust in our relationships, communities and society.

My clients hire me to design infographics & visual summaries, illustrations and visual tools.

My participants join the online and live communication programs in my Online Training Platform

My programs help to increase impact by communicating both empathically and visually.