Social distancing can evoke feelings of loneliness, disconnection and despair. It’s important to our well-being that we maintain connection with others. Endless phone conversations might not be what you are looking for, however, a relatively short, but nurturing conversation can be tremendously fulfilling, delighting and give a sense of belonging.
If you aren’t accustomed to maintaining long distance relationships, keeping phone conversations going and think you are running out of ideas for conversations topics, here are some ideas for you…
1. Which APPS, DEVICES AND TOOLS do you use to stay in touch with your friends these days?
Which one do you recommend for me?
2. What is the BEST about being at home right now?
Tell me more?
3. If I were to take you to see your FAVORITE ANIMAL in nature, would you then teach me everything about that animal?
Why do you like this animal so much? Can you draw me a picture of it, write around it everything you know or can find on internet? Will you take a picture and send it to me?
4. What did you LEARN in the last couple of days that you can TEACH online to a friend?
How would you teach them that? How can you reach them? Will you ask if they would enjoy learning that from you? When will you ask?
5. What did your SISTER/BROTHER do in the last days that you really liked?
What did you like so much about it? (Make needs guesses) Did you tell her/him? Can you ask her/him to do it again?
6. What did you do in the passed days that you NORMALLY DON’T DO when you are at home?
How come you did it? What did you like about it? Would you do it again?
7. Who did you HELP in the passed days with something you like doing?
Can you help them again with that? Who else can you help with this?
8. What do you LIKE THE LEAST about being at home right now?
(Make needs guesses) What would need to be different about that so you would say it is the best thing, or almost best thing? What little thing can you change that already makes it different?
9. What would you say should every GRANDMOTHER/GRANDFATHER need to LEARN from children?
Why? How would you teach me? Can you teach me? Can you make a video of that and send it to me?
10. If you would TAKE ME ON A TRIP for two days, where would you take me?
What does that day look like? What do I need to pack in my backpack? How will we travel? What will we eat? In what kind of place will we sleep?
11. IF YOU WERE EACH OTHERS AGE, what would you/I look like?
How long is your/my hair, what color? What would you/I wear and which colors would the clothing’s in your/my closet have? Would you/I be stronger and taller than me/you? What would I/you do for you/me? What would you/I do for me/you?

I believe that with empathy, clarity and transparency in our communication, we experience and reach more understanding, connection, inclusion, participation, leadership, creativity and trust in our relationships, communities and society.
My clients hire me to design infographics & visual summaries, illustrations and visual tools.
My participants join the online and live communication programs in my Online Training Platform
My programs help to increase impact by communicating both empathically and visually.