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Choose your self-paced online program

Get up to 73% discount
when signing up before January 31st, 2021.

January Special

Design Clear Flipcharts

Learn to design and create flipcharts for your programs, webinars, workshops, training, online event/course or conference.

8 Facets of Brilliant Digital Presentations

The 8 crucial facets of digital presentations that need to be worked out before designing the presentation file yourself or in collaboration with a designer.

+ January Bonus

Mind the Gap

How to communicate with the visual thinkers as a facilitator?

January Bundle


Learn to create and use
visual metaphors to reach
common understanding.


8 Facets of Brilliant Digital Presentations

The 8 crucial facets of digital presentations that need to be worked out before designing the presentation file yourself or in collaboration with a designer.

January Sale

Mind the Gap

How to communicate with the visual thinkers as a facilitator?

The Visual Catalyst

Mireille Annette van Bremen s.p.
VAT ID: SI10975748


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