Design Clear Flipchart Presentations
1-day training in Slovene
Saturday October 9, 2021
Novo mesto, Slovenia
Do you recognize this?
You …
- are not sure your audience fully understands what you mean?
- notice that information gets lost?
- can’t get down to paper what you see so clearly in your head and mean to express?
- have less impact with your work than you wish?
- don’t know how to create and meaningfully use visuals or flipcharts?
Your participants …
- request you to repeat the instructions?
- say they understand but do not quite anticipate?
- do not engage as much as you wish?
- ask you to explain something again?
- are doing other things?
What you would like instead is …
… to present with striking clarity,
- feel confident in front of a group
- be understood by many people
- share a common understanding
- communicate inclusively
- have attractive training material
- show what you see in your head
… and also have more impact.
Not being understood & not having the impact you envision, easily leads to …
An increase of …
- joy
- satisfaction
- inclusion
- participants
- impact
A decrese of …
- frustration
- stress
- misunderstandings
- conflicts
All of that is a consquence of …
- Not expressing yourself visually
- Not using any visual supports, visual tools or training material
- Not fully expressing what you really mean in a way your audience completely and clearly understands what you mean
Visual communication builds a bridge between what you see in your head and what your audience understands.
What you can do to reach this common understanding is to…
1 • Learn a simple visual language to express what your heart and head what to say and mean
2 • Start creating and using visual tools in your work
3 • Align your facilitation and communication style to your audience.
This in-person training helps you get your message across clearly and increases understanding, awareness and leads to more interaction.
Step-by-step. Simple. Effectief.
Barbara Fortuna
Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia
By using visual tools, even when working online …
You …
- come across confident, credible and professional
- build trust with your audience because you are clearly and visibly prepared
- can explain comprehensively what you mean
- stay focused on addressing what you intended to
- navigate yourself through your own outline
- stay present and connected with your audience
- keep your audience included and engaged
- know how to and have practiced to communicate comprehensively using visual language
- always know how to start to design your flipcharts
- can have a series of flipcharts for your program ready to use
- you have a large visual library for your designs
- you are able to create and use visual metaphors for your specific audience
Your audience …
- values your content higher because they easily understand your message
- feels included because you provide flipcharts and so the visual learners in your group now have a chance to integrate the learning effectively and in a very natural way
- is more attentive – visuals stimulate both parts of the brain
- feels energized – visuals bring lightness and humor
- recalls your message better visuals the long term memory
- participates more and is longer engaged
Facilitator, Lyon, France
Design Clear Flipchart Presentations
This in-person training helps you get your message across clearly and increases understanding, awareness and leads to more interaction.
Step-by-step. Simple. Effectief.
Let go of your beliefs about your (dis)ability to draw.
Choose a clear purpose for your presentation
Your understanding of your audience affects your choices regarding appropriate visuals and tools
Learn to align your visual language with your audience
Be aware of how the setting affects the design & facilitation
Create a visual library with your own, relevant and understandable objects, symbols and visual metaphors
Learn a visual language to express yourself visually
Develop a visual library with visuals that fit your audience
Learn to create and come up with relevant visual metaphors
Translate your verbal message into a design congruent to the meaning of your words
Learn to create clear and powerful flipcharts
Learn to structure your message step-by-step
Learn to use visual language in the design of your tools
Build connection and increase engagement through visual communication
Integrate visual harvesting techniques
Design & create your visuals, flipcharts and visual tools
Practice creating your own visual tools
Receive feedback on your creations
Practical tips & tricks
These are some examples of social media posts you learn to draw.
It really is more simple than you might think.
I show you how and we practice together during the training.
Design Clear Flipchart Presentations
This in-person training helps you get your message across clearly and increases understanding, awareness and leads to more interaction.
Step-by-step. Simple. Effectief.
VAT free for private registrations / VAT free for business registrations
OCTOBER 9, 2021
NOTE: 7 persons max
Design Clear Flipchart Presentations training:
✪ 8 hours of training
09:00-11:00 + 11:30-13:00 + 14:00-16:30 + 17:00-19:00
✪ Lots of practice to integrate new skills
✪ Feedback on your assignments
✪ Practical tips & tricks
✪ Workbook
✪ Notebook for sketching
✪ Personal marker set
✪ Snacks, fruit & coffee, tea, juice
(lunch self-organised)
BONUS: Instant access to Mind the Gap online program
More info here.
7 persons max
Hi, I am Mireille van Bremen!
◉ I am a Dutch national with Asian roots and live in Slovenia for 15 years. I am a mother and co-parent of a teenage son who lives with me every other week.
◉ Besides being a creative centipede and highly sensitive (HSP), I love improvised cooking with my home grown veggies, am fond of travelling, mountain biking, music and spending time with friends.
◉ To be free and flexible in my work and private life, I switched from working as a design department leader to working location independent as an empathy and visual communication trainer & coach, consultant, designer, an illustrator, and graphic recorder.
◉ Because I felt frustrated about how much of information, value and connection gets lost in our communication, I started offering communication & presentation trainings, workshops and coaching. I create, design, build and facilitate courses in my online academy and in presence training, but also do a lot of design and illustration work for clients. I love that my office fits in a backpack – well, except for when I bring training equipment along for my participants 🙂
◉ I can not stand resources being wasted, and therefore have a focus on making things efficient. Sometimes that means we first need to slow down and learn skills in order to become more efficient and effective in the future. Being efficient also means to me, that I created this course to be complete: I teach you the exact skills that help you create, design and facilitate your presentations – so you get your message across effectively, while making optimal use of your resources.
◉ Working online is nothing new, in fact, we all function a lot online. To explain what I mean, I visualise what is in my head and do that all the time in my webinars, video’s, trainings, workshops and meetings. It’s simply how I communicate … I often hear that is so helpful, clarifying and fun. Would you like to experience that too?
Nina Gorjup
Director of Corporate Communicate in TPV Group,
Novo mesto, Slovenia
Mireille is not only a great expert in visual communication, but is also excellent in transferring her knowledge to the participants of her workshops.
The special value of her workshop Clear & Impactful Flipchart Presentations is is that one gets a lot of useful tips as well as learns the basic principles of visual communication that are helpful not only in preparing flipcharts but also other elements such as powerpoint presentations, advertisements, posters, etc. It is amazing to see how, by following her tips, a flipchart comes to life in a completely different way.
Klavdija Novak
Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cara Crisler
Crisler Coaching & Consulting, Haarlem, the Netherlands
”Mireille’s contributions to me started when I first contacted her and she took the time to listen to my needs. She helped me feel completely welcome to follow her Visual Facilitation training (bypassing the belief that I didn’t have enough skills). In just 5 online sessions, she taught me how I can enhance my work as a trainer by sharing information, demonstrating her work, and giving highly interactive feedback. Recently, one of my workshop participants (who knew me from a previous course) said, “Your new visuals bring the information across with much more clarity,” which helps me know Mireille’s training was a very effective investment.”
Cancellation and Refunds
- If I cancel the program, your investment will be returned in full.
- If you cancel any time before the program starts, you can transfer your fund to the next possible date or any other of my programs in-person or online programs. Your funds will be tracked as credits.
- It is possible to change participant names free of charge until 24 hours before the training starts.
- No refunds available when you cancel, if you do not show up, or if you stop before the end of the training program.
What is the spoken language in this program?
The spoken language in this training is Slovene.
Drawing... I have no talent. Is that a problem?
Perfect! Particularly if you do not know how to draw, join us. You will see and experience that you do not need any specific skill level and that no talent is needed to learn about visual language and facilitation.
My question is not listed. Can I contact you?
Sure! Send us your question(s) by email on provide your phone number so we can choose in what way we can best respond to you.
Design Clear
Flipchart Presentations
1-day training in Slovene