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Do you work as a trainer, facilitator or coach and offer workshops & training programs?

  • Do you already have, or are developing a training program?
  • Do you feel embarrassed because you value to be visually inclusive but you think you can’t draw?
  • Do you feel unsure about developing powerful training tools, such as flipcharts, for your programs?
  • Do you feel determined because helping your audience develop empathy skills is meaningful to you?
  • Do you feel enthusiastic to meet your needs for creativity, fun and play while creating attractive training tools for your programs?
  • Would you feel empowered learning from an experienced presentation designer?

This free call is to find out if this program is an effective strategy for meeting your current learning needs in regards to designing your training presentation material. No strings attached.

Design Clear Flipchart Presentations

Essentially this online course and coaching program empowers you to use your visual voice and offer visual empathy to your audience. With visual empathy, both the efficacy of your training program as the relevance of it to your specific audience soar.
Step-by-step. Simple. Effective.


We are going to engage in this self-paced online course ‘Design Clear Flipchart Presentations’. It matters to me that our engagement is effective and meaningful. That’s why I invite you to join the bi-weekly group coaching calls for 6 months.

These three key aspects are leading the learning in the course: 

Ability to be visually empathic

  • How to reclaiming, developing and using your visual voice and ability to visually express yourself?
  • How to understand and approach your audience though visual empathy?
  • How to visually make sense for your audience?
  • How to make congruent design decisions that work?
  • How to translate your message in a visually congruent story?
  • How to visually translate your message to be congruent to your spoken words?
  • How to design your flipchart series step-by-step?

Develop trainer skillls

  • How to be resourceful, efficient and always ready to visually facilitate?
  • How to establish connection and engagement using visual tools?
  • How to visually facilitate parts of your training when you can’t multiply yourself?
  • How to use flipcharts online?

Increase impact

  • How to increase the value of your program for your audience?
  • How to re-purpose your work to reach more people
  • How to get the most out of the resources you invested?

The flipchart Gabriëlle made during the training.


Gabriëlle Leguijt

Nonviolent Communication Practitioner & High Care Pediatric Nurse, Intensive Care Children, UMC Amsterdam

“What helped me the most by attending Mireille’s training is how you can get visual insight into your target group you want to work with and how to overcome the obstacles in my mind to start drawing. I now enjoy my newly developed skills very much. Other than that, this training is designed very well. Mireille could not have put more into these two days. I don’t know what could be improved. In any case, I am still grateful to Mireille every day.”

Right after the in presence training, Gabriëlle created a flipchart series for her the Empathic Communication training she offered at work.


Preparation Blueprint

Understanding how these 8 facets of your training program influence your preparation, the design process of your flipcharts & visual tools, and helps you account that information in the decisions of how you like to connect with your audience and how you like to establish engagement during your training.



Reset your beliefs about your drawing talents

Let go of old beliefs about your drawing talents and experience. Reset yourself and feel CONFIDENT and ENTHUSIASTIC about creating visual tools that support both you and your audience.



Define a clear purpose

The purpose is the fuel, the reason for the existence of the message you share and guides you towards the vision you have about the world you like to co-create and live in. With crystal clear clarity on what drives you and why this presentation exists and is part of your training program, you know what DRIVES YOUR DESIGN DECISIONS.



Choose and define a specific audience

More important than your audience understanding you, is that you understand your audience. You create an empathy map and an emotional map you gain insight in the USER EXPERIENCE of your presentation.

Leer je visuele taal af te stemmen op je publiek



Clarify the situational aspects that influence the facilitation and design decisions

The organisational and SITUATIONAL ASPECTS of your online or in presence training, workshop, or training video’s, gives you plenty of clues about the decisions you must make during the design process and facilitation of your progam.



Be efficient and effective during the creation process

Besides choosing the physical tools that work for you, we spend a great deal of time creating your own CUSTOMISED and ATTRACTIVE VISUAL LIBRARY.
You learn to…

Learn my ‘Speak Visually Method’ to express yourself visually and in congruence to your verbal message

Learn and create a visual library filled with objects, symbols and visual metaphors relevant to you specific audience

Develop and increase your visual vocabulary by learning to create visual metaphors your audience relates to



Translate your message as a genuine and visual expression in congruence to your spoken words


Define the various visual tools you want to design for your training program

Learn to create clear and powerful flipcharts 

Learn step-by-step to structure your message

Learn to use my ‘Speak Visually Method’ in your designs



Establish connection and engagement by facilitating visually

PRESENT WITH CONFIDENCE and use the right communication strategies to BUILD CONNECTION and INCREASE ENGAGEMENT with your audience.



Design & create your own flipcharts 

The Design Blueprint for a design process which leads to CONSISTENT and ATTRACTIVE FLIPCHARTS, congruent to the story in your head. By the end of this module, you have implemented a design process that helps you build up on the success of the all previous presentations you designed with it.

Learn to create visual templates and integrate ‘visual harvesting’ techniques

Learn to create a whole series of flipcharts for your training program

Practice creating flipcharts and visual tools

Receive feedback on your work during the group coaching sessions

Receive lots of practical tips and facilitation tips



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The course opens after your payment is received.

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Though the video’s of the course content are released over the course of 6 weeks, you can work in your own pace for 12 months.

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To make a difference in your work, I suggest practices, give assignments in every module.

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The course contains training video’s, practice video’s and workbooks. Below the modules you can comment, post work and ask questions. During the coaching calls you receive feedback.

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I invite you to join the bi-weekly online sessions for 6 months to get specific feedback on your work so we are both assured your effort and investment of resources lead to the results that you desire.

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Both the release of new course content as the invitations to the coaching sessions are announced by email.

Get started creating flipcharts and other visual tools for your training program!


Barbara Fortuna

Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Antoinette Wibbelink

Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer & coach, The Netherlands

“I highly recommend Mireille for her teaching and coaching skills in visual facilitation. In the live training she helped me realize that there is something like: a visual language! And I discovered, that I wasn’t aware of it, allthough I used some illustrations in my trainings. In a one-on-one coaching session afterwards, she helped me see and understand more of it by giving me helpfull feedback to the visuals, (flyers and flipcharts) that I had made after the training. I experience her as not only very good in visuals, but also very empathic and clear in her communication.”

Octavian Istrate

Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer, Romania

It’s been nine months since I have took the “Design Your Own Flipchart Series” Online Course, and now I can see fully its long-term benefits.

This course created a very big shift in my abilities and trust to express my ideas through drawing flipcharts that would support both me and the participants. I went from writing horribly on a flipchart to having the ability to create something clear, simple, structured and at the same time authentic. And I get lots of positive feedback from my participants.

I want to emphasize that I don’t know to draw at all, and this is not a requirement in order to create a clear and helpful flipchart. [This being said, I would like to improve my drawing abilities]

The structure of the course and the information helped me in staying engaged and learning continuously. Not too much info, not too little, and very many practical exercises.

I particularly enjoyed Mireille as a trainer, especially the personalised feedback and attention that we all got from her. I had the perception that she is really interested in supporting us in custom ways, depending on what we want to accomplish and what we want to learn.

I higly recommend her to anyone who wants to use flipcharts or any other visual support as a way of improving their trainings!

My shortest definition of visual empathy is
“a visually attuned expression or response, expressed with the intention to deepen our understanding and create connection.”

“Our visual voice matters because the visual empathy we can express with it, increases the efficacy of empathic communication training and helps us understand the audience we create that training program for.”

Valuing Empathy

I believe we experience more harmony in our communication and have more synergy in collaborations when we get on the same page with ease. Empathic communication is incredibly powerful in creating connection. It helps us establish and maintain trust in our relationships and learning experiences. That’s why I care to support anyone who is passionate about contributing to a more empathic world or offers empathic communication training.

Visual Voice, Expression & Inclusion

The element that is frequently missing in our communication, is the expression of our visual voice. Most people who could have taught us in the past how to express ourselves visually, didn’t have the skills themselves. The systemic construct of many parts of our society uses communication and educational approaches that in general don’t stimulate empathy and visual expression in our communication and/or are hardly visually inclusive in learning environments.

Visual Empathy

My years of experience in the field of visual communication as a design department leader stimulated me to learn and integrate empathy in my work. For the past ten years I have been intensively trained in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and NVC based mediation and conflict coaching. In my Visual Empathy Courses I bring these two fields together because I experience how much empathy helps us understand the audience we create that training for and how visual expression increases the efficacy of empathic communication training. This increases both the relevance as the impact of your empathic communication training.

To articulate the essential skill participants develop through my courses, I came up with the term ‘Visual Empathy’. I define it as ‘the visually attuned expression of our understanding, expressed with the intention to create connection with ourselves and others’.

Visual Empowerment

Because I am certain that everyone can develop skills to be visually empathic, I’d like to make it really easy for you to get started in visually expressing yourself. I hope after this program you feel visually empowered to express your visual voice more often, because it matters to me that you and everyone else in this world feels seen and understood. I like for all of us to experience peace and harmony in ourselves and with others. Does that matter to you too?

Hi, I am Mireille van Bremen!​

◉ I am a Dutch national with Asian roots and live in Slovenia for 15 years. I am a mom and co-parent of a teenage son who lives with me every other week. 

◉ Besides many creative activities, I love improvised vegan cooking with my home grown veggies. I enjoy mountain biking, hiking and daily self-connection practices or simply spend time in silent solitude.

◉ Some fun facts 😊 I have a strong need for visual harmony and am a color freak. I paint as a meditation practice. Depending on the culture or religion, my name Mireille means ‘to look’, ‘to admire’, ‘peace’ and ‘miracle’. 

◉ I am keen in simplifying my daily life and I love that for most of my activities, my office fits in a backpack – well, except for when I bring training equipment along for my participants 🙂

◉ To experience more autonomy and flexibility in my work and private life, I switched from working as a design department leader to working more location independent as a trainer & coach, an illustrator, designer and graphic recorder. Since 2022 I also work as a NVC based conflict coach and mediator in another business, The Visual Mediator.

◉ Since 2015 I create, design, build and facilitate courses in my online academy and offer in presence training in various countries. All my courses, webinars, training video’s and workshops are visually supported with a combination of flipcharts, visual tools and digital presentations. It’s simply how I communicate … I often hear that is so helpful, clarifying and fun. Would you like to experience that too?



Facilitator, Lyon, France


Design Clear Flipchart Presentations

Essentially this online course and coaching program empowers you to use your visual voice and offer visual empathy to your audience. With visual empathy, both the efficacy of your training program as the relevance of it to your specific audience soar.
Step-by-step. Simple. Effective.

starting at €797,-

VAT 0% for company registrations VAT exemption for private registrations

Design Clear Flipchart Presentations training:

✪ 6 months of bi-weekly group coaching calls
✪ 8 training modules 
✪ Access to the Visual Metaphor course
✪ A practical workbook with every module
✪ Practices to train your skills
✪ Assignments with every module
✪ Feedback on your assignments
✪ Questions & Answers possibility with every lesson
✪ 1 year of access to the course

BONUS 2: Instant access to Mind the Gap online program
More info here.


Klavdija Novak

Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cara Crisler

Crisler Coaching & Consulting, NVC Practitioner, Haarlem, the Netherlands

”Mireille’s contributions to me started when I first contacted her and she took the time to listen to my needs. She helped me feel completely welcome to follow her Visual Facilitation training (bypassing the belief that I didn’t have enough skills). In just 5 online sessions, she taught me how I can enhance my work as a trainer by sharing information, demonstrating her work, and giving highly interactive feedback. Recently, one of my workshop participants (who knew me from a previous course) said, “Your new visuals bring the information across with much more clarity,” which helps me know Mireille’s training was a very effective investment.”

Nina Gorjup

Director of Corporate Communicate in TPV Group, Novo mesto, Slovenia

Mireille is not only a great expert in visual communication, but is also excellent in transferring her knowledge to the participants of her workshops.

The special value of her workshop Clear & Impactful Flipchart Presentations is is that one gets a lot of useful tips as well as learns the basic principles of visual communication that are helpful not only in preparing flipcharts but also other elements such as powerpoint presentations, advertisements, posters, etc. It is amazing to see how, by following her tips, a flipchart comes to life in a completely different way.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have no visual skills or talents, does it make sense to sign up?

I am certain that everyone can develop skills to be visually empathic. I hope after this program you feel visually empowered to express your visual voice more often, because it matters to me that you and everyone else in this world feels seen and understood.

What does this course cost?

In the past years I have invested a lot of time, energy and dedication into developing my work to really meet the learning needs of my audience. I have come to understand that everyone has their own ever changing spot on the learning curve and taking courses meets various needs to different extends. The resources accessible to support that learning process vary for my audience – mostly professionals in the field of Empathic or Nonviolent Communication in all parts of the world.

Your contribution to this course enables me to develop my work further, reach Empathic or Nonviolent Communication trainers in different parts of the world and make my courses available to an audience with a large variety of available resources and learning needs, goals and possibilities.


  • Your (learning) needs and the extend to which you like to fulfil them through participating in this course and receiving 12 months of coaching to integrate your new skills.
  • The resources you can gather to invest into your (professional) skills.
  • Consider that resources may also be available to you through people in your network who are willing to support your professional development or your work in bringing Empathic or Nonviolent Communication into the world.
  • What are the goals for you in regards to becoming visually empathic, create flipcharts and other visual tools in your training programs? What difference does it make in your life (fun, play, creativity, clarity, effectiveness, inspiration, self-expression, growth, authenticity, connection, …) and of the people who get to learn from you (engagement, being seen, being understood, hope, presence, learning, creativity, fun, play, focus, clarity, support, understanding, …)?
  • The possibility of contributing to my needs of stability, being seen, mattering, trust, interdependence and mutual recognition.
  • The hope I have that you wish to meet your needs for contribution, fairness, integrity, and interdependence, in a way that feels expansive and light for you.

I like to trust that we can hold each others needs with mutual care and understanding. If you want to have a conversation with me about this, please reach out to me by sending an email to mireille@thevisualcatalyst.com

When can I start with 'Design Clear Flipchart Presentations'?

‘Design Clear Flipchart Presentations’ is currently in progress.

Is participating in this course helpful if I already create flicpharts?

That totally depends on your skills level and which skills you like to develop further. I suggest to schedule a free call with me to present some work and discuss to find out if this program is an effective strategy for meeting your current learning needs in regards to designing your training presentation material. No strings attached.
Email me at clarity@mireillevanbremen.com

Why learn about flipcharts when so many people work, teach and study online and use slides?

This program speaks to the 8 facets of your training which help you visually attune your communication and facilitation to your audience. That’s something you can make use of regardless of the medium you choose to support your audience in their learning experience.

Oh, and in my view, flipcharts and other visual tools can also be used online and in training video’s! In fact, I believe we especially need visual tools online due to the decreased visual clues we can pick up on in our communication and to make the learning experience more engaging.

Is this course what you were looking for to empower yourself?

I’d be happy to contribute to your learning and growth in a way that is fun, creative, playful and interactive.

Design Clear Flipchart Presentations

Expand your trainer skills with visual empathy.

self-paced online course with 6 months of coaching

 Ideal for designing flipcharts and visual tools for your Empathic or Nonviolent Communication training programs!